Welkom bij Lemmen Aardbeien.

We have been growing strawberries since 2001 and are involved in the latest trials and innovations to make the taste and shape of the strawberries as perfect as possible. 

Lemmen Aardbeien,Aardbeien Egchel

strawberry vending machine.

Automaat is open van medio april tot december ( houd onze sociale media in de gaten voor de exacte datum).


  • April t/m oktober 07.30 - 22.00
  • Oktober t/m december 07.30 - 21.00


  • Bowl 1st choice
  • Bowl 2nd choice

about us.

We are Peter Lemmen and Liesbeth Beijes, we have been growing strawberries in Egchel since 2001.
We took over a company from a couple who were going to stop.

At that time, the company consisted of 4,000 meters of glass and 2,000 meters of tunnel.
We have worked hard from 2001 to the present. We have started installing the rack cultivation. After that we built a second greenhouse and laid out the cutting field, so we are completely self-sufficient.

Since 2017 we have expanded to a second location and we have moved the existing cuttings field and made way for additional rack cultivation. With the new location we have almost doubled our capacity. 

Cutting plants on the tray field
Rack cultivation
10000 m
greenhouse cultivation
1000 m
Strawberries per year
100 ton

working at lemmen aardbeien.

Wil jij bij ons team komen versterken in de zomer?

Fill in the registration form on your computer, print it out, Whatsapp or call +31 (0)6 409 118 62 to make an appointment to get acquainted (don't forget your registration form). 

Vanaf maart 2025 kan je je weer aanmelden!


Kvk: 53881796
Btw: NL851057020B01
Lemmen Aardbeien,Aardbeien Egchel